Data Centers

NetherlandsServerius SDC2

Located in the area Meppel, The Netherlands

  • Serverius Connectivity SDC2 Data Center is 16146 sqft. There is a total of 12917 sqft in raised floor space for colocation. It has access to 4 MW of power. Certifications for this location include ISO 27001, ISO 90001.

    Serverius offers high density data center environments to co-locate your hardware infrastructures; pre-configured or tailor-made colocation that can handle up to 20 kW of power per rack.

    Multiple carriers, ISPs, and Internet Exchanges, connecting directly to the NL-IX SPEED IX and AMS-IX, the largest Internet Exchange in the Netherlands.

Located in the area Warsaw, Poland

  • OVH DC in Warsaw has received a TIER III certificate in the categories Design and Facility. The DC provides services that meet the highest international standards in Poland.

    Flexible infrastructure of the DC is based on modular design engineering architecture, thus allowing to quickly and accurately adapt it to the current needs of customers, as well as to take into account the strategic needs of the business for the long term.

    Advantages of placing equipment in StoreData:
    . Placement of equipment with non-standard dimensions, supply power and cooling
    . Wide range of power choices, from 2 kW per rack to high density 20 kW per rack and more
    . Modular building electric power
    . PCI Data Security 3.1 and ISO 9001-2011 certificates

Located in the area Kyiv, Ukraine

  • The Data-center uses a few power supply sources. The main power supply is provided from the trunk network of 100 kW power through an independent switch-yard. The switching between two power supply sources is done automatically by means of ABP Zenith of American company named General Electric. In case of complete fail of electric power supply there is a diesel-generator set designed to serve as a backup. Power supply continuity is provided by four industrial General Electric UPSs connected upon a redundant circuit. Even though one of them goes out of order, electricity supply will not be interrupted. Supply power is 1 MW.

    The climate is provided by dual high-precision Liebert-HIROSS Himod M air conditioners. Climate conditions are provided by these ACs in accordance with the TIA/EIA-942 (temperature 20-25°C, relative humidity 40-55%) requirements for data-centers. The conditioners are equipped with G4 class air filters (purification efficiency is not less than 90% under the State Standard GOST 51251-99). Redundant modules are provided by the system in case of failure of main ones. All conditioners are controlled by ColdFire management system.

    The Data-center is equipped with a fire alarm system and an automatic gas fire fighting system. Such a system efficiently suppresses potential fire hotspots and is completely harmless to servers and equipment, unlike water and dry chemical fire fighting systems. Additionally, the Data-center is equipped with hand-held carbon-dioxide extinguishers, which are also harmless to the equipment.
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